Рецепт Charlie's Butt Steak

- Here's one which I copied word for word from The Steak Lover's
- Pour the extra virgin olive oil, onion, garlic salt, basil, oregano, thyme, and pepper into a Ziploc bag. Mix well. Pa the steak dry, place it in the bag, and massage the marinade over the meat. Close the bag tight, place it on a plate, and chill for 6 to 8 hrs, turning at least twice.
- Preheat the broiler and set the broiler pan or possibly rack about 3 inches from the heating unit.
- Take the steak from the marinade. Pat it dry, but do not fuss too much over removing bits of the onion of or possibly herbs. Set the steak in the middle of a baking sheet or possibly other pan (a pizza pan, perhaps) which will fit under the broiler.
- Pour 1 c. of the Kosher salt into a small bowl. Add in about 1/4 c. of the water, just sufficient to make a paste the texture of packable sand. Mound this paste over and around the steak. Place the steak under the broiler and cook till the top is hard, cracked, and starting to brown, about 10 min.
- Meanwhile, combine the remaining 1/2 c. of Kosher salt and 2 Tbsp. or possibly a bit more water to make more paste. Remove the pan from the broiler. Turn the steak, push the salt which falls away back in place, and coat the second side with the new paste. Broil till brown in spots and cracked, about 10 min. Remove from the broiler.
- Crack the salt casing, quickly rinse the steak under hot running water to remove any remaining salt, pat dry, and transfer to a cutting board. Carve into slices no more than 1/8 inch thick and serve. Pass the horseradish oil in a cruet to drizzle on the steak, if you like.