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Рецепт Chargrilled Halibut Coated With Lime And Ginger With A Le
by Global Cookbook

Chargrilled Halibut Coated With Lime And Ginger With A Le
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  • 1 piece filleted halibut, about 750g
  • 3 piece stem ginger in syrup Zest and juice of 3 limes Stems of lemon balm
  • 1/2 pt Fish stock
  • 2 bn Watercress
  • 1 Tbsp. Hazelnut oil
  • 2 Tbsp. Extra virgin extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp. Garlic chives, minced


  1. Skin and bone the fish. Remove any dark meat from the skin side. Cut into 4 pcs. Season. Rub with extra virgin olive oil.
  2. Cut the stem ginger into small matchstick size pcs (fine julienne). Zest and juice the limes, keeping them separate. Spread all four pcs of halibut on the upperside with the julienne of ginger and half of the lime zest.
  3. Chop the lemon balm. Reduce 1/4 pint fish stock by half. Add in the rest of the lime zest and half the juice with the honey and the minced lemon balm. Simmer all together for a few min to blend the flavours. Season.
  4. Add in 2 tsp. of watercress puree, the hazelnut oil and the rest of the extra virgin olive oil. Whisk all together vigorously. Taste and adjust seasoning.
  5. Don't add in the garlic chives till ready to give a freshness to the dressing.
  6. Chargrill the fish and serve with dressing.