Рецепт Charbroiled Vegetables

- Zucchini: Cut small zucchini in half lengthwise or possibly for larger zucchini, cut on the diagonal into 8 long slices, 3/4 inch thick. Trim stem and bottom off eggplant and throw away. Slice in half lengthwise and then into 3/4-inch-thick half moons (14 to 16 pcs). Peel carrots and cut on the diagonal to obtain 10 slices each (5 inches long and 1/4 inch thick).
- Slice apples into 8 even rings and remove cores.
- To prepare apple marinade, mix Barbecue Sauce, oil and salt in a small bowl. Add in apple rings and coat thoroughly.
- To prepare vegetable marinade, mix Barbecue Sauce, oil, garlic, oregano, fennel seeds, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add in vegetables; stir till well mixed.
- GRILL vegetables and apples over warm coals or possibly arrange on a cookie sheet and bake in a 400F oven for 15 min. Zucchini, carrots and apples should be crisp-tender. The eggplant will take several min longer and should be tender, but not overcooked to the point of collapsing.
- Description: "Marinate in a western barbecue sauce (recipe provided)." Cuisine: "Vegetarian"
- NOTES : Here's an outstanding signature dish. These succulent, aromatic vegetables have a Southwestern accent which exude a smoky, seared fragrance, that is enhanced by the homemade Barbecue Sauce. Serve these vegetables warm or possibly cool in soups, with salads, pastas, grains or possibly as appetizers. The vegetables may be prepared a day or possibly two in advance and reheated in a microwave or possibly moderate 350F oven. They keep well in the refrigerator for one week.
- Note all of the marinade is not consumed, so the %CFF is not as high as MC states.