Рецепт categories Dobosova cake
- The beat whites very stiff snow, všľaháme yolks into it gradually, to spoon sugar (and vanilla), a little lemon peel and stir in semolina flour easily. The dough on the paper pomastenom cook butter and lightly dusted thin 6 equal circles, which mark the compass on the paper. Carefully get rid of the baked circles of paper and let cool. Meanwhile, prepare filling: Well whisk the cream with the yolks and flour and add to pan with boiling water. Efforts to whisk until thick. Let mixture cool. Meanwhile, Mix the butter with sugar and vanilla sugar, add softened chocolate and cream has cooled. Stuffing a load of 5 circles, folds together and put into the cold. The sixth circle put the plate pomastený butter, pour sugar in iron skillet, brown caramel, and we will make it ready to pour a circle. Wet a knife, quickly, until icing has set, divide the circle into 16 equal divisions, and they put on top of cooled cake. We can even decorate with fresh cream.