Рецепт Caramelized Onion Jus
- In a medium warm saute/fry pan add in bacon fat and garlic and lightly toast.
- Add in onions, shallots, carrots and celery and caramelize.
- Deglaze with vinegar and reduce slightly.
- Place chicken bones, black peppercorns, chili, and bay leaf in the pot. Cover with chicken stock and veal demi-glace.
- Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 1 1/4 hrs. Skim the scum off the top every 5 min.
- Strain through a large hole china cap and return to the heat and simmer on low till the fat rises to the top, then skim it off.
- Add basil and oregano for 5 min, then remove.
- Season with lemon juice, strain through a chinois.
- Finish with salt, pepper and caramelized onions.