Рецепт Cannoli Filled With Pistachio Ricotta

- Soak the dry cranberries in the amaretto in a small bowl for 30 min.
- Combine the ricotta and sugar in a small bowl and whip till smooth. Add in the mascarpone and stir to incorporate. Be careful not to overmix, or possibly the mascarpone might separate. Mix in the pistachios and dry cranberries with their soaking liquid.
- Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip and pipe the mixtrue into the cannoli shells. If you don"t have a pastry bag, put the filling into a plastic bag, snip off 1 corner, and squeeze the filling out into the pastry shells. (Do this close to serving time so the shells won"t lose their crispness.) Chill till serving time.
- To serve, dust with confectioners' sugar, using a sieve. Serve chilled.
- For Homemade Ricotta: Prepare a sanitizing solution of 1 qt of water and 1 Tbsp. of household bleach.
- Rinse a large stainless steel or possibly enameled stockpot or possibly soup pot with the sanitizing solution and pour the lowfat milk and cream into the pot. Place over medium-high heat and bring to a boil, stirring as necessary with a sanitized spoon so the lowfat milk doesn't scorch on the bottom of the pot. Reduce the heat to low and stir in the lemon juice. Continue stirring slowly till the lowfat milk curdles and white curds float to the top. Remove from the heat and cover. Wait for 5 min while the curds solidify slightly and become firmer.
- Rinse a colander and a large piece of muslin or possibly several layers of cheesecloth in the sanitizing solution. Wring out the cloth to release the excess water. Line the colander with the cloth and set the colander in the sink or possibly over a large bowl.
- Using a sanitized perforated spoon, gently ladle the curds into the colander. Let the whey drain for 30 min, or possibly till the ricotta is still moist but fairly dry.
- After about 15 min, lift the edges of the cloth toward the center of the colander to loosen the cheese from the cloth and facilitate draining. If the ricotta is still too liquid and runny in texture after 30 min, gather the edges of the cloth together using 1 hand, wrap a piece of kitchen string around the gathered cloth to create a bag, and tie it closed. Hang the bag containing the cheese from the faucet or possibly the handle of a kitchen cabinet door and allow the excess whey to drip from the bag into the sink or possibly a bowl.
- If adding salt, transfer the ricotta to a sanitized bowl and stir in the salt. Place the ricotta in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. Use within 5 days. (Makes 3 1/4 c.)
- For Homemade Cannoli Shells: Cut the egg roll wrappers into circles 4 inches in diameter. Roll the wrappers around mold or possibly pcs of aluminum tubing which are 1-inch in diameter and 4 1/2 to 5 inches in length. Moisten the overlapped flap of dough with water to seal each wrapper.
- Heat the oil in a large skillet till warm but not smoking, about 350 degrees. Add in the shells, still on the tubing, and fry, turning with tongs as necessary, till golden and cripsy on all sides. Remove immediately, using tongs, and stand the tubing on end on paper towels to drain. When cold, slip the cannoli shells off of the tubing. (Makes 8 large or possibly 12 mini cannoli shells)
- This recipe yields 4 to 6 servings (8 large or possibly 12 mini cannolis).