Рецепт Candy Cane Parfait With Chocolate Sauce

- Crush 1 candy cane and place in top of double boiler along with 1 c. whipping cream; heat over warm water, stirring till melted.
- Whip remaining 3 c. cream, adding sugar gradually, till thick.
- Slowly pour melted candy cane mix into whipping cream, beating gently. Taste and adjust sweetening.
- Pour into 9x5 inch loaf pan or possibly ice cube trays and freeze. When parfait is partially frzn, crush remaining candy canes and stir in.
- Freeze till hard. To serve, scoop into individual serving dishes and spoon Chocolate Sauce over.
- Makes 6 servings.
- Chocolate Sauce: In top of double boiler, combine chocolate, water and sugar and heat over warm water, stirring till smooth. Remove from heat and blend in cream. Transfer to small pitcher.
- Makesenough sauce for 6 servings.