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Рецепт "Cake Rusks" : Cake Recipes, Tea Cakes
by Recipes Passion

Good Morning Everyone! Today I have "Cake Rusk Recipe " for you guys. Best goes with tea or coffee, & a delightful snack to take. It's an Asian Dessert, a Biscotti; double baked cookies;very simple to make and prepare.

Preparation has been divided into 2 steps;

1) Bake it as a cake (with a slight change of ingredients and their quantity);

2) By cutting out the rectangular strips, these are baked twice. Leaving a Perfect with crispy and Golden looks.

Again it's a request by one of my sweet sweet friend, 'Sam', who wanted to make for her family breakfast. I tried these for the first time, but trust me guys it turned out so well more than my expectations. I've just made the half quantity of the actual recipe; seriously speaking didn't wanted to waste all ingredients as it was my first trial.

Actual Recipe was :

Steps to follow:

Pre-Heat your oven up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 Degrees Centigrade). Little grease the Baking Pan. (Oven setting : Bottom rods alone should heat up)

Sieve the flour, baking powder and salt together. Keep it aside

Now take a large bowl, start beating Butter/Margarine till creamy. Meanwhile add Icing sugar. Wait until it smooth batter is formed

Time to add eggs. Keep in mind eggs should be added one by one at a time. Beat the batter continuously till these are fully incorporated.

Stop Beating. With the help of Spatula gently add the sieved ingredients. Mix it properly.

Take out the Batter into a greased pan, spread it evenly with the help of spatula.

Bake it for 25 to 35 minutes. you can insert a toothpick by checking out if its completely baked.

Turn the cake out and let it cool at room temperature.

Oven setting at this time : Let the rods to heat up for both bottom and the top ;

Cut out the strips leaving almost 1 inch of thickness.

Place them on a oven tray covered with Aluminium Foil

Bake it for another 5 to 10 minutes till they change their color to golden brown.

© RECIPES PASSION: All the images and content is copyright protected. No one can use it without my prior permission. If you want to republish the recipe, write the recipe in your own words, or link back to this post for the recipe.

Remove, let them cool. Enjoy the freshly baked Cake rusks with your morning tea/coffee along with your family & friends.

Note : Procedure stay same for both cases the actual or half one