Рецепт Buttermilk Cornbread (Without Flour)

- Preheat oven to 450 F. Sift together the dry ingredients and set aside. Combine beaten egg, buttermilk and vegetable oil. Combine cornmeal mix with buttermilk mix, stirring just sufficient to moisten. Pour into warm, well-greased 9- or possibly 10-inch skillet or possibly pan, muffin tins or possibly corn stick molds. Bake about 15 min for muffins or possibly corn sticks, and 20-25 min for pan or possibly skillet. Cornbread will begin to pull away from sides.
- Makes approximately 12 muffins, corn sticks or possibly pcs.
- Recipe can be prepared as muffins, corn sticks or possibly cornbread. You will notice, too, which recipe lists sugar as an optional ingredient. This is a matter of personal preference. These basic cornbreads are best served warm and buttered. They make a wonderful accompaniment to vegetable dishes, notably black-eyed peas and beans, as well as chili and stew. A real Texas touch can be imparted to cornbread of any kind by pouring the batter into a properly prepared pan. Put about a tsp. of bacon drippings or possibly vegetable oil into the pan while the oven is preheating. When warm, remove the pan and tilt it to proportionately distribute the oil, then sprinkle about a half-tsp. of cornmeal into the warm oil and return the pan to the oven for a few min to let the cornmeal brown. When your batter is ready, pour it into the warm pan. A crispy brown bottom crust will result.