Рецепт Buttered Coffee
Buttered Coffee is the latest craze that I am crazy in love with.
Butter Coffee Author: Marlene Baird Nutrition Information Serving size: 338
Calories: 95
Fat: 10.7
Saturated fat: 8.3
Carbohydrates: 0.0
Sodium: 32 mg
Fiber: 0.0
Protein: 0.3
- Cholesterol: 10 mg
- Prep time: 1 min Total time: 1 min
8 ounces fresh brewed coffee ½ Tablespoon Coconut Oil 1 teaspoon unsalted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste 1 teaspoon Swerve Sweetener (or sweetener of choice)
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until rich and creamy 3.2.2807
Are you a trendy person?
Trendy is as trendy does. Wouldn’t you say?
Trends come and go and some we latch onto like honey to a bee.
One evening on my way back home from the office, it struck me odd that the assistant at our annual health screening suggested that I eliminate butter and replace it with margarine.
I contemplated letting her know that butter is “real” food and margarine is NOT. However, I really didn’t feel like having that conversation with her.
That got me thinking about my love for butter and my new-ish love for coffee. I am not a coffee snob. More like a “make me a fancy coffee drink” snob.
I am always looking for new ways to fancy up a cup of joe. So why not butter it up.
At this point I am racing to get home to try out this concoction. This is when I discover that this butter coffee idea has been trending for the last nine months or so. And to think I was onto something. Sheesh! Come on, tell me this has never happened to you before.
Does it really matter that I am late to get on the bandwagon? I am glad I did.
Try it out and let me know what you think. As long as you are not a coffee snob, where at this point you must think I am barely a tad bit crazy to ruin a good cup of joe. I don’t care. I want my buttered coffee. It’s almost like the buttered coffee is beckoning me.
Gotta go get my joe.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.
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