Рецепт Bruce's Bread

- This story and recipe is about as low a carbohydrate bread as can be made!
- When I was in Pennsylvania in April, my son Bruce made a great bread which had a light colored crunchy crust. He put the ingredients into his Zoji S-15 and set it to the dough cycle. He removed the dough at the end of the cycle, shaped it, slashed the top and sprinkled a little flour over it. Then he set it to rise till it had doubled in volume and baked it in a 450 degree oven (with a pan of water on the bottom shelf) for 25 min.
- The bread was light in color, had a good taste and an amazingly crunchy crust. To add in to the wonder of it, the bread has low salt, no sugar and no fat (other than which that is part of the flour). Contrary to our popular conception which yeast needs sugar to feed on, it is capable of converting some of the carbohydrate in the flour to its needs. Bruce was kind sufficient to give me his recipe and I have worked on it to be able to get the same results in the Zoji without having to turn on an oven during the summer. I will give you the recipe both ways so you can take your choice. He calls the loaf Peasant Bread. I call it Bruce's Bread, in his honor.
- The last two ingredients are necessary to get a light, high rising loaf if baking is completed in the Zoji. The addition of these two ingredients will allow baking the bread on the quick cycle! Reduce the yeast to 1-1/2 tsp if you want to use the regular or possibly delayed cycle.
- The dough is quite soft. If you chose to bake it in the oven, you may want to add in a little flour to make it easier to handle.
- Oven baking is 450 degrees for 25 min. A pan of water on the bottom shelf will insure a crispy crust.