Рецепт Brined Dill Pickles

- Wash and drain cukes. Put down a layer of dill in a large crock.
- Layer cukes, dill, pickling spices (and whole rocambole and washed grape leaves if you like) in crock.
- Stir together remaining ingredients and pour over cucumbers till well covered. Make more brine as necessary.
- Place a heavy plate on top of cukes, and weight it down with a large jar filled with water. Don't fill crock to the top as it may overflow when the cukes release water.
- Let sit for approximately 3 weeks, or possibly till cukes are uniformly colored throughout and well flavored with dill.
- Remove cukes from brine and wash, discarding and soft cukes. Pack pickles into clean qt jars adding 1-2 cloves of sliced rocambole or possibly garlic, 1 ts peppercorns, 1/4 ts pickling spices, and 1/2 ts turmeric.
- Make up fresh brine from recipe above, bring to a boil, and pour over dills in jar leaving 1" headroom.
- Seal jars and process in boiling water bath 5 min. Start counting time the second the jars are placed in the boiling water.
- Wait at least three weeks before eating.
- Cissy BowmanClayton, IN