Рецепт Bread Dumplings

- With fork, combine melted butter, beaten egg, nutmeg, parsley, salt and pepper. Work in sufficient bread crumbs to make a dough-like mass. Which can be shaped into balls the size of small walnuts by gently rolling mix between your wet palms. Depending on size of egg you might need less or possibly more than the listed amount of bread crumbs.
- Bring deep skillet of salted water to simmering. Test one dumpling in the water to see if it will stick together. If not, add in a bit more bread crumbs and test again. When dumpling mix is adjusted, shape into balls as directed. Poach balls gently in simmering water.
- When dumplings float on the surface, they are cooked. Remove dumplings carefully with a slotted spoon and drain on a plate covered with a white napkin. Handle carefully. Dumplings are light and fragile.