Рецепт Bread And Butter "Clickles"

- Slice pounds of cucumbers in a food processor. In a large bowl or possibly stainless steel pan, mix sliced cucumbers and onions. Sprinkle with pickling salt. Add in garlic cloves, whole; mix well and cover with ice for about 3 hrs. Then rinse well and remove garlic.
- In a large non-aluminum pot, mix white sugar, turmeric, celery seed and mustard seed and cider vinegar. Heat and immediately add in cucumber and onions. Stir till cucumbers are well coated with the brine and cook for 5 min.
- Fill warm canning jars (fresh out of Sani-rinse dishwasher cycle) to within 1/4 inch of top. Dislodge any bubbles by inserting a knife. Screw on lids, then put all jars into a canning pot filled with warm (not boiling) water. Water should cover jars by 2 inches. Bring to a boil and boil 5 min for pint jars, 10 min for qts. Let the jars cold gradually on a towel for 24 hrs.