Рецепт Bragging Rights Brisket

- Hey Bill. Did a couple of 9 pounders last Saturday on my log burner..along with a big picnic and a couple racks of ribs..seemed to come out pretty good. Followed the general procedure from Smoke and Spice "Bragging Rights Brisket". Rubbed with Wild Will'y Number One:
- Mopped with Basic Beer Mop about once an hour.
- Cooked on oak..ash..and hackberry in the general vicinity of 250. Pulled them off after about 12 hrs..internal temp in the mid 180's. I mopped from the start but think you could wait to mop till about hour six without much loss. You should also be able to go least a couple of hrs between moppings since you are cooking on a water smoker. Did put the picnic on the top rack so it sorta drizzled downward onto the briskets as it cooked. Hope this helps.