Рецепт Boy or Girl?
Boy or Girl?
We found out the gender of our baby on Friday! It was really hard to keep the secret for a couple of days, but life got busy and I didn’t have time to get a post up until now. Thank you for your patience! Any last minute guesses? Do you think we are having a boy or a girl?
Ok, enough suspense! Drum roll please!
We are having another baby BOY! Yahoo! We are both on cloud nine!
I was super nervous going into our appointment. First of all, I wanted to make sure the baby was healthy and everything was progressing along like it should be. I was also nervous about the gender. I know we would be happy with a boy or girl, but to be honest, I REALLY wanted another boy.
I wanted a boy for selfish reasons…I am used to boys, we have everything we need, and I wouldn’t have to learn how to braid hair or deal with teenage girl drama:) I really wanted a boy for Caleb though. I wanted him to have a brother to play with, grow up with, and to be his best friend.
When we were getting the ultrasound done, my heart was pounding. They kept showing us the heart, brain, spine, etc. I was happy to see all of these things, but I really wanted to know the gender. She finally pointed out the “boy parts” and I screamed with excitement! I was so happy! I looked at Josh and he had the biggest smile on is face. We are both thrilled we are having another boy!
When we got home we surprised Caleb with blue balloons and told him he was going to have a baby brother. He started jumping up and down and yelling yay! I don’t know if he was excited about having a baby brother or the balloons…but either way, he was very happy!
I know Caleb is going to be a wonderful big brother!
I will go ahead and do a little pregnancy update since we are on the topic!
I am 19 weeks, almost half way there! My original due date was August 4th, but at our appointment they pushed it back to August 7th since I am measuring a little small. Who knows when the baby will really come, but we are planning for the first week of August!
Cravings-I am still loving Mexican, grilled cheese sandwiches, pancakes, and fruit! A few new cravings include: hummus and pita chips, cauliflower (especially my cauliflower tacos), dried mango, Laughing Cow cheese with carrots, popcorn, and Pop Tarts. I haven’t given in to my Pop Tarts craving. I hope it goes away soon! My sweet tooth is coming back to life. I am so happy I am loving cookies again:)
Aversions-still mint gum, strong onions, and bagels. I think I overdosed at the beginning of my pregnancy. I don’t want to see another bagel for a long time!
My nausea is better, but I still have rough days. The nights are usually the worst.
I am working out 5-6 days a week. I do the elliptical for 35 minutes, 50 push ups on the ball, hand weights, plank, leg lifts, wall sit, etc. most days. I tried running once, but it was hard. I had Caleb, the stroller, and ran uphill…so that didn’t make it easy. I hope to try again soon! I have also been walking with Caleb when it is nice out. I exercised up until the day I had Caleb so I hope I can do the same with this pregnancy.
I’ve gained about 7 pounds so far. All of my clothes still fit, but I definitely have a baby bump!
I am sleeping better…when I am not staying up late to watch Nashville:)
My back is starting to hurt, but thank goodness Josh has been giving me daily massages! It really helps.
I know we just found out that we are having a boy, but names are already stressing me out. We both agreed on Caleb so it was easy, but we are struggling this time around. Any boy name suggestions? We would love to hear them!
Overall, this pregnancy is going well! I just hope the nausea leaves soon and leaves for good.
We are super excited for our baby boy to arrive! I hope the next few months go quickly!