Рецепт Bourbon salt (DIY)
Learn how to make easy DIY bourbon salt, the perfect finish for everything from roasted meats to sweet baked goods.
Bourbon salt: really, it's a no-brainer, am I right? I love finishing salts and all things salty. I love bourbon. Ergo, I doubly love bourbon salt.
And what could possibly be better than being able to DIY something you doubly love? How about if making it was easy? And I mean falling-off-a-log easy.
Booyah.You know I'm all about easy recipes.
The only thing you will really need is a little patience for this recipe because it requires you to spend a bit of time reducing the bourbon to intensify the flavor. Plus you'll need to dry the salt. But we're talking a part of one afternoon (or one evening of watching TV from the kitchen, if you're me) at most.
It's so worth it.
This bourbon salt is perfect for rubbing on steak before you grill it or even giving those steaks a finishing sprinkle while they rest. Or mix it with fresh herbs and rub it over your next roast chicken. Or rim a margarita with it.
Or sprinkle it on cookies or chocolate confections for that sweet-savory-boozy trifecta that you know makes The Ninj all weak in the knees.
The possibilities are endless.
How will you use this bourbon salt? (Notice I said "will" rather than "would." I know you; you're going to make it tomorrow, aren't you?) Leave a comment: The Ninj wants to know.
DIY Bourbon Salt
As written, the recipe yields about 1/2 cup of bourbon salt. Go ahead: double it if you like.
- 1 1/2 cups straight bourbon
- 1/2 cup kosher or sea salt
In a small saucepan, bring the bourbon to a boil then lower the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until greatly reduced in volume -- 35-40 minutes of simmering will yield about 1 ounce of reduced bourbon. Remove from the heat and stir in the salt.
Spread the salt mixture on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 170 degrees (or whatever is your oven's lowest setting) for about an hour, stirring every 20 minutes or so, until no remaining liquid or dampness is visible. Cool completely and store in an air-tight container.