Рецепт Boiled Bacon Beans + House + Award
Oh boy, am I tired!
A whole week has passed since they keys to our new home were dropped into our anxious first time buyer hands, but what a week it's been.
For starters, we finished painting last night. The final coat was put onto our living room wall, and then we excitedly gathered up the dust sheets to look at our hard work.
Man, it looks good. Maybe it's because we did it all ourselves but it really feels like our own now. The living room is a dusty "malt chocolate" hue, with a vintage walnut fireplace wall and granite fireplace. It's so cosy, the picture doesn't do it justice, but I'll show it later on anyway =]
Doesn't help that all this week I've had an awful toothache. So not only have my meals had to be quick this week, they've had to be soft & be able to keep me going for long periods of time. High energy foods.
Wow, I don't give myself much of a challenge when I'm busy do I?!
First off, I should get this quick and easy recipe out of the way. As I said, all my meals this week have been quick/easy and involved high energy foods, like beans, legumes, eggs & peanut butter. Lots of fat, but I swear to god, without it I would've died this week from tiredness. After all, we've been working a full 9-5 day and then painting a house from then until 11 at night.
Ahh yes, this meal. It does the job nicely. A small amount kept me going for hours like a little robot. Perfect fuel for a busy bot. Even if the results of this meal are perfect for getting rid of decorating odors and nearly gassing your fiancee to death.
It was perfect otherwise. Eat in small portions or god forbid what will happen to you if you haven't any windows.
4 Slices of unsmoked bacon - with the fat cut off.
6 tablespoons (roughly one can) of red kidney beans.
1/2 green pepper, chopped.
1/2 red onion, chopped.
2 tablespoons Chickpeas.
3 tablespoons haricot beans (or any beans you fancy)
3 teaspoons smoked paprika.
2 cloves garlic, crushed & chopped.
2 teaspoons fresh sage, chopped.
2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped.
3 teaspoons cracked black pepper
1/2 tablespoon olive oil.
500ml boiling water.
1 tablespoon tomato puree.
This is probably the easiest meal to make that I'll ever post!
First, fry your onion & Pepper in a large saucepan until it starts to soften.
Next chop your bacon up into slices and pop it into a saucepan with the boiling water and ALL of the seasonings. Let that bubble for a minute or two before adding all the beans/legumes.
Cover and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes on a low heat. Keep checking/stirring once in a while to prevent it burning off.
After 15 minutes, add in the tomato puree and the olive oil and stir for a few more minutes before serving.
DONE! You won't need any salt, and sometimes the process can make it extra salty! Which is why I recommend unsmoked bacon. If you like it extra salty, then used smoked!
So here is our completed living room!
The picture really doesn't do it justice, it's a lot warmer looking when you're in there. Plus it's much nicer than the cream/yellow/blue/grey theme that was going on before - Major clash between carpet and wall.
We purchased our sofas on Wednesday too - they are so comfy. We spent an age sitting in the show room just chilling. Also we had our very nice range cooker delivered yesterday and is currently being fitted. So soon I will be properly up & running again!
So whilst I've been painting away - I was nominated for the liebster blog award by two very lovely bloggers (Who I have to admit, I'm new to reading, but I'm already a fan) Skinny Simple Recipes & Thirsty World Designs. Thank you!
1. Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you
PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.
3. Choose up to 11 bloggers
11 Things About Myself:
1. If you haven't guessed, I recently bought my first house.
2. The first film I remember seeing is Beauty and the Beast. I still love that film.
3. I used to hate eggs/cheese/salad/BBQ sauce/beans/seeds/nuts & now I love all of them.
4. I haven't eaten beef in over 6 years. Just because I love cows.
5. I used to really want to be in star wars. I made a costume out of an old blanket and would do Jedi tricks to Billie Piper songs. (that's how long ago that was!)
6. I've kept a journal since I was 8. Most of them are full of teen angst and awful poetry.
7. I hate the call of duty/halo games. I've been forced to play them and I die 100's of times.
8. My favourite sport is Basketball.
9. I'm double jointed in most of my joints.
10. I love a good stretch. Ahh man, I'm doing one riiiight now.
11. Friends and family are important and should be treated as such
Questions I was given by my lovely nominators:
1. Favorite color?
2. What do you have a collection of?
Cookery books, DVDs & hundreds upon hundreds of novels.
3. Name one thing on your bucket list.
Eat a bagel in new York.
4. If you were an animal what would it be?
A Dog. They have all the fun!
5. What is you favorite writing utensil?
Fountain pen.
6. What is your favorite article of clothing you couldn't live without?
Jeans. I live in them!
7. Superman or Batman? (or favorite superhero)
I like ant- man. He's got style!
8. If you only could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Chickpeas! Ahh I love roasted chickpeas.
9. Favorite TV show (or movie if tv isn't your thing)? I love so many shows, so I'll just list a few:
-Doctor Who
-The Big Bang Theory
-Gilmore Girls
-Black Books
-Most Haunted
-Family Guy
-How I Met Your Mother
-Vicar of Dibley
-Will & Grace
10. If you made your own nail polish, pick a color and name it here.
A light cream. It would be called Fairy Cake Fondant.
11. Favorite office supply?
A big tape measure. I like measuring stuff.
Questions for my nominees:
1. Which TV/film character describes you?
2. What's your go-to meal to cook for friends/family?
3. Cookies or Cakes?
4. What was the last book you read?
5. Favourite cooking ingredient?
6. Favourite chef?
7. What's the best meal you've ever tasted and where was it?
8. Ingredients: Potato, butter, chicken & any veg you like. What would you make?
9. Describe your cooking style is 3 words?
10. How many cookbooks do you own?
11. Last meal you made?
My nominees:
Living the Gourmet
Laurie's Cravings
Glam Hungry Mom
Amuse your Bouche
Chelsea's Culinary indulgence
Saucy Silciliana
The Red Apron
Yummo Cookbook
Awkward kitchenette