Рецепт Boervors

- For the curious boervors (farmers sausage) is made up as a length and is not twisted into segments. There are as many recipes for this stuff as there are for chilli but some idea can be gained from this one.
- Stuff casing to 1" to 1 1/2 thick.
- Mainly beef and always includes fat, coriander and salt. Pork fat is often substituted for sheep fat that is probably closer to how it originated.
- The best is made from sheep tail fat. May include orange peel as well. A nice course mince is very important and some recipes call for the meat and fat to be cut into small cubes. That obviously is very time consuming but gives an idea of "course grnd"
- Cooking is somewhat of an art and under no circumstances must the sausage case be pieced. It must cook in its own fat. Use tongs to turn. Low heat over charcoal is best. A quick test of the right heat is the hand just can be held for two seconds at cooking height repeated twice with a very short break. No flames. High heat will burst the casing.
- 9kg of boervors on the wall, some got eaten and then there was.. friends and fellow chileheads. Do not see this lasting long.