Рецепт Bobo De Camarao

- Season shrimp with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Let stand for 1 hour. Boil the shrimp shells in water with cilantro leaves. Let simmer for 5 min, strain and use this broth to cook cassava pcs till tender. After cooking cassava, puree it in blender or possibly food processor with the broth and 10 shrimps. Saute/fry onions, red peppers and tomatoes in extra virgin olive oil Add in shrimp and let cook for 5 min. Add in cassava puree, coconut lowfat milk and dende oil. Let boil for 2 min
- (LOW FLAME, STIRRING ALL THE TIME). When ready, the consistency is which of VERY thick soup. Serve with rice and "farofinha de dende"
- (Recipes below)
- Farofinha de dende:Saute/fry finely minced onion (about 1 Tbsp.) in Dende oil. Add in manioc flour (funny looking subproduct of cassava-resembles sand, and tastes like nothing till you season it LOL! Stir constantly over low flame a few min, so it doesn't burn. Looks a lot like orange- colored sand. Salt to taste. Odd-looking, but good.
- Brazilian white rice:Wash 1 c. of rice thoroughly and let dry (Which's a hint to get rice which's not soggy) Saute/fry 1 Tbsp. of finely minced onion and 1 clove of garlic, also finely minced, in veg. oil (I use canola).
- Add in rice and fry it till it becomes sort of transparent. Add in two c. of warm water, salt to taste, put the lid on the pan and let cook over VERY low flame, till water has evaporated. Let stand in covered pan till serving time. If it forms lumps, use a fork to fluff it.
- Hope you enjoy the flavors of my beautiful Brazil