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Рецепт Bob’s Red Mill Hulled Hemp Seed’s #FreshTastyValentines
by Nicole Sherman

I love Bob’s Red Mill Hulled Hemp Seed’s I have been eating them as a snack for a year or so. I love to add them in yogurt, granola, salads or my favorite way to add them is to my oven “fried” chicken. Bob’s Red Mill Hulled Hemp Seeds are good in anything if you ask me…

Hulled Hemp Seed’s has 5 grams of protein in a 2 tbsp. serving for my new low carb diet. Hemp is full of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in each serving. I love the nutty flavor and hulled hemp seeds add an incredible texture to my oven fried chicken.

This Garlic Parmesan Hemp Chicken is delicious and super easy and might I add that it only has 1 carb per piece of chicken. Not only is this chicken crispy and juicy but it’s perfect for a week night meal. I love simple week night meals.



Preheat oven to 400 degrees

In a medium size bowl whisk 1 large egg until it becomes frothy then set aside. On a plate add hemp seeds, parmesan, and garlic powder. Mix well.

Dredge chicken in the egg then dredge in the dry mixture. Make sure the chicken is well coated on all sides. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake for 15 minutes, then flip for an additional 15 minutes. Test to make sure the chicken is reading at 165 degrees.

*As required by the Federal Trade Commission: The information above and gift have been provided by Bob’s Red Mill to Colie’s Kitchen at no cost to Colie’s Kitchen. All that was asked of Colie’s Kitchen was to review the product, and give our honest opinion. Full Disclosure Policy*
