Рецепт Blueberry Mexican Bread Pudding

- Rinse and drain blueberries if fresh.
- Put butter and cinnamon in a 9- by 13-inch casserole. Heat in a 350 degree oven till butter is melted, about 5 min.
- Meanwhile, cut cheese into 1/2-inch cubes.
- Add in dry bread cubes to casserole and mix well.
- Combine apricot-flavor syrup, lemon peel, lemon juice, and 1/4 c. water. Pour over bread, mixing well.
- Add in pecans, cheese, and blueberries to casserole and gently mix to distribute proportionately.
- Cover casserole tightly with foil. Bake for 20 min in a 350 degree oven. Uncover casserole and bake till pudding top is crisp and golden, about 15 min longer.
- This recipe yields 8 servings.
- Comments: If fresh blueberries aren't available, use frzn unsugared ones (do not thaw before adding). Instead of purchased bread cubes, toast 6 c. 1/2-inch cubes of French bread in a 10- by 15-inch pan in a 350 degree oven, stirring often, 10 to 15 min.