Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Blueberry Lime Jelly 蓝莓酸柑果冻".

Рецепт Blueberry Lime Jelly 蓝莓酸柑果冻
by Anncoo

Hello all, here is my last post for 2015 that I promised to share with you, Blueberry Lime Jelly recipe. This is a very light and refreshing dessert that can be prepared in 1-2 days ahead and certainly perfect for all occasions. Hope you have enjoyed reading all my posts that I shared with you this year. Happy New Year to all friends and readers! Wishing everyone a great and blessed year in 2016! 祝大家有个幸福,快乐,美好的2016!


Heat water, sugar, lime juice and lime zest in a pot. Stir to almost boiling. Add bloomed gelatin and bring to boil again, stirring constantly. Turn off heat and sieve with a strainer.

Tilt 6 small glasses at an angle on an egg tray or muffin tray. Pour jelly liquid into glasses. Refrigerate for 2 hours or till set.

Blueberry Jelly Layer Ingredients

250g blueberries

120g sugar

250ml water

1 tbsp lime juice

15g gelatin powder, soaked with 2 tbsp water


Boil blueberries and sugar in a pot. Mash blueberries with a rubber spatula. Turn off heat.

Press mashed blueberries through a strainer.

Add water and lime juice, stir well and bring to almost boiling. Add bloomed gelatin and bring to boil again. Turn off heat and cool to room temperature.

Remove glasses of set lime jelly from egg tray and stand them up right. Gently pour blueberry jelly liquid onto set lime jelly.

Chill for few hours or overnight till set. Decorate as desired.

500毫升 清水

120克 糖

2汤匙 酸柑汁

2个 酸柑,取出皮屑

15克 鱼胶粉,加入2汤匙水浸泡


250克 蓝莓

120克 糖

250毫升 清水

1汤匙 酸柑汁

15克 鱼胶粉,加入2汤匙水浸泡

The lucky draw for giveaway is stills opens till 5th Jan 2016. Please leave your comment here if you haven't join the lucky draw yet. 抽奖活动时间还没结束。想赢取礼品,请到这里留言。