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Рецепт Black Sesame Yoghurt Mousse Cake
by Anncoo

Hello everyone, It's Monday again! I hope you have had a great weekend. For my post today, I'm sharing with you a truly delicious recipe ~ Black Sesame Yoghurt Mousse Cake. I especially love black sesame for its unique and exotic flavour. I remember when I was a little girl, my grandma used to make "Chee Ma Woo芝麻糊" for our family. "Chee Ma Woo芝麻糊" is a very fragrant and smooth sweet soup made from blended black sesame seeds but too bad I was too young to learn from my grandma to make this sweet soup during that time. I really hope you readers can share your "Chee Ma Woo芝麻糊" recipe with me if you've one.

Here is a little information from About.Com ~ Black sesame seeds are very healthy, being an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, protein and essentail fatty acids (EFA), helping to keep your skin and hair soft.

Here is the recipe adapted from清怡甜点 with some modication

Sponge Cake

2 large Eggs

125g Optima flour

30g Water

1 tbsp Black sesame paste

40g Corn oil (to be added last)

Beat all the ingredients together until thick and fluffy at high speed.

Lower speed gradually add in black sesame paste, mix well and lastly add corn oil into it, mix well again.

Pour batter into 2 pieces 8 inches (lined) square tray.

Bake at preheated oven 180C for about 8-10 mins.

Remove cake from cake tray immediately after baked.

Leave to cool on wire rack.

Boil sugar syrup for brushing on sponge cake before adding mousse on it. - 200ml water and 70g sugar.

Soak gelatine powder with water for 5 minutes and heat it over a hot water bath.

Add sugar and black sesame paste to the yoghurt, stir well until sugar dissolved then slowly pour in gelatine (cool down gelatine a little if it is still hot), stir well again.

Whip up fresh topping cream to soft peak form and mix into the black sesame mixture.

To Assemble

Place the first layer of sponge cake at the bottom with a square cake ring. Brush sugar syrup on cake.

Pour half of the black sesame yoghurt mousse onto the sponge cake and spread the mousse evenly with a palette knife.

Place the second layer of the sponge cake (brush sugar syrup) onto the mousse and spread remaining mousse on it. Using a scraper to level the top.

Chill the cake for at least 4 hours or till overnight.

Take a sharp knife and run it around the edge of the cake to loosen the cake from the cake ring and trim sides of cake.

Decorate as desired with some toasted black sesame seeds on top.


I'm submitting this recipe to Food palette series