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Рецепт Black Bean Hummus
by Eliot

Black Bean Hummus

By Eliot, on June 13th, 2011

Recently, we had a reprieve from the 95+ degree weather, so we have spent some very comfortable evenings on the patio. Sometimes, we just want to have a light dinner or even just hors d’œuvres after a hard day at work. This is a great and easy dip to whip up quickly when all you want to do is relax and debrief. Serve it with pita or tortilla chips and fresh veggies.

1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped (No fresh jalapenos yet, so I took two chipotles that my sister dried for me last season. I just soaked them in some boiling water and tossed them in the food processor with everything else.)

¼ t. Ancho chili powder (Since I used dried chipotles, I omitted this ingredient this time.)

Salt and pepper

Place black beans, hummus, jalapeno and chili powder in a food processor. Pulse until smooth and blended. Season with salt and pepper.

Black bean hummus with feta.

Sometimes I like to sprinkle a bit of cojita or feta on top. And, the leftovers (if there are any) are great in a wrap with a bit of feta and fresh spinach for lunch the next day.