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Рецепт Beef with Broccoli, Red Pepper and Scallion Stir-Fry
by Monte Mathews


great stir-fry is a gift to weeknight cooks. After the initial chopping and slicing, few things cook faster or give more satisfying

results. Since this is a Chinese

technique, it’s ideal for dishes like Beef with Broccoli, that Chinese takeout

standby. To the original recipe I added

Red Pepper and Scallions for taste and color. Ordinarily, Beef with Broccoli

relies on Oyster Sauce for its flavor. A concentrated dark brown sauce

with a slightly sweet and smoky flavor, Oyster Sauce is in fact made from dried

oysters. Oyster Sauce originated in

southern China where it is used as a seasoning for simply cooked vegetables and

meat. But to make today’s dish, I didn’t

use Oyster Sauce. I relied on a brand

new “Tangy-Hot Asian Barbecue Sauce” from Corine’s Cuisine. It was such a success I wanted to pass it on

to you.


Cuisine is an on-line shop (www.corinescuisine.com)

that’s just opened. Corine is Corine

Parish, who with her husband, Ray Parish, is a passionate cook with a

particular passion for exploring culinary cultures the world over. That’s obvious when you look at her line of

hot sauces. At the moment, they number just four and to keep things simple

they’re numbered too. #3 is a Spicy Hot

Pepper Sauce with Jamaican roots. # 10

is a Scotch Bonnet Hot Pepper Sauce. #23 is “A Classic Caribbean Fiery Hot

Sauce”. And then we come to # 28, a tangy hot Asian BBQ sauce and the

basis for today’s recipe for Beef with Broccoli. You can order all of these on-line and in

just days you will greet the arrival of a beautifully put together package that

will inspire all kinds of great dishes.

And if you’re in need of inspiration, visit www.corinescuisine.com

website where new recipes are being added all the time. You may even find this one.


Frying is called ‘chão’ in Chinese. It’s basically sautéing food in very hot

oil and it’s used all over China. The

technique goes far back in Chinese history but its use became widespread much

more recently. That’s when affluent

families could afford cooking oil and as more people did, stir-frying took off. The term ‘stir-frying’ was only introduced in

this country in 1945. Its popularity only grew from there. Because it combines vegetables, lean meats

and fish, with their moderate fat contents, and sauces, which are not overly

rich, stir-frying is seen as a healthier way to cook. A word about woks: The bowl-like shape of the

walk is ideal for the technique described here. But the truth is you can create

a perfectly good stir-fry in any large sauté pan. It doesn’t even have to be

non-stick just as long as you follow the rules.


technique for all stir-fries is always the same. First the pan is heated to a high

temperature. A small amount of oil is

added down the side followed by dry seasonings like ginger, garlic, scallions

or shallots. The seasonings are tossed

with a spatula until they are fragrant, then the longest cooking item, in this

case beef, is added. In this case the meat is removed from the pan before the

vegetables are cooked in it. When the

latter are done, the meat is added back into the pan and then the sauce is

added. In our case, that sauce was

Corine’s Cuisine #28. This sauce

contains myriad ingredients including such Asian standbys as Soy Sauce, Mirin

and Fish sauce. To these are added the spice of Scotch Bonnet Peppers, Lime

Juice, Scallions and Cilantro and for sweetness brown sugar and rice wine. It is a delicious way to add much more flavor

to Beef with Broccoli than you’ll find at any Chinese restaurant. This would undoubtedly be wonderful served

over steamed rice to catch all the sauce.

However, we’re still eating ours the low carb way, without the

rice. Here’s the recipe.

Beef with

Broccoli, Red Peppers and Scallions with Corine’s Cuisine Sauce # 28. Serves

4. Takes 40 minutes to make.

For the Steak:

beef and stir until well mixed. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.

2. Bring a saucepan three-fourths full of water to a boil over high heat. Add the

broccoli florets and blanch until just tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Drain, rinse

under running cold water until cool and drain again. Set aside.

3. Remove the beef from the bowl and pat dry with paper towels. In a wok or large,

deep sauté pan over high heat, warm 2 Tbs. of the peanut oil until very hot.

Add the beef and stir-fry until it just turns opaque, 3 to 4 minutes. Using a

slotted spoon, quickly transfer the beef to a sieve placed over a bowl to


4. Wipe out the pan with paper towels and reheat over high heat. Add the remaining

1 Tbs. oil and heat until very hot. Add the garlic and ginger and stir-fry just

until golden brown, 15 to 20 seconds. Using the slotted spoon,

remove the ginger and discard. Add the scallions and red pepper strips to the pan and stir-fry until just tender, about 5 minutes.

5. Pour in the rice wine and deglaze the pan, stirring to scrape up the browned

bits from the pan bottom. When the wine has evaporated, add Corine’s Cuisine #

28 sauce and the water, stir and bring to a boil. Immediately add the beef and

broccoli and stir-fry until the sauce thickens and the beef is heated through,

about 3 minutes. Transfer the beef and broccoli to a warmed bowl and serve.

Serves 4.