Рецепт Beef Stroganoff...
We had quite a mad-cap adventure this past weekend...the Aussie was going on a cruise and she packed everything she needed...her "bathers", her lingerie, her sun-block...yep, everything except her PERMANENT RESIDENT CARD! She showed up at the dock in California with her passport and apparently they just sniggered...said without her PRC she could NOT get on the boat! That bit of news set into motion a most hilarious race, which didn't end as we had all hoped - with her getting on the boat...instead her husband got on the boat, she spent the night in a hotel and will try to meet up with the boat on Tuesday morning in Cabo...or, as she likes to say, CARBO...I've spent plenty of time in Carbo, but I've yet to go to Cabo!
We live about 35 minutes from the airport in Seattle...that's if two people are in the car and the HOV lane is used and it's not rush hour...we made it to the airport in 22 minutes...I sat in the death seat with my eyes closed, praying, the entire way, while the mister bobbed and weaved in and out of traffic at bread-neck speeds. Once at the airport I raced into the Virgin America desk - poured out the story and begged them to get her card onto their plane that was leaving in eleven minutes...the agent explained that the plane door closes ten minutes before the flight and it would never make it and then she said, "Oh what the heck!" and took off running like a bag of gold was waiting for her. I burst into tears...have no idea why...except that nice people are so hard to find these days! Ten minutes later, however, she was back, panting, out of breath, she missed the flight. Plan B. Off to Alaska Airlines where the next flight left (we were trying to get her card to her in time for her to pick it up at LAX and get back to the boat before it sailed) and the witch at Alaska could NOT have been more rude or cared less...she could stand a few lessons from the Virgin America people. We ended up at Alaska Cargo Center where we shipped her card to LAX...the Aussie picked it up, had a burger for dinner and slept in a hotel room by herself while her hubby sailed the high seas.
The mister and I stopped for lunch at Goldbergs Deli - which is the reason he agreed to get involved in our amazing race - I promised him lunch at Goldbergs if he drove...he's a sucker for a good corned beef sandwich and they have the best around. We had a nice big lunch...and THEN I remembered that I had already started dinner in the crock pot. The story of my life. We ate a bit later than usual and I'm STILL thinking about dinner...the MOST AMAZING sauce...straw worthy to be sure!
- Beef Stroganoff - Me
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 1/2 lbs. sirloin roast
- 1 cup red wine
- 1 large white onion, chopped
- 2 cups mushrooms, sliced
- 1 can (14. oz.) beef broth
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 2 cups sour cream
- 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
- 1 package (16. oz.) egg noodles, cooked according to package directions, and drained
In a large skillet, heat oil until hot, add roast and brown on all sides. Remove roast to large crock pot turned to high. De-glaze skillet with red wine for about 2 minutes, then pour wine into crock. Add onion, mushrooms, beef broth, salt and pepper, mix well, cover and cook for 5 hours. Remove roast to a cutting board, let sit for ten minutes and then cut into bite-sized pieces. Strain liquid to remove onions and mushrooms into a large bowl, set aside the liquid and the mushroom/onions. In a large skillet melt butter and flour together and cook for about 2 minutes over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Add in garlic and cook for another minute. Slowly add in reserved liquid from crock and whisk together. Bring mixture to a boil, reduce heat and add sour cream. Adjust seasonings with salt and pepper to taste. Add meat and mushrooms/onions to the skillet, heat thoroughly. Serve over egg noodles. Serves 8 to 10.
This one gets 5 dangs...you'll want to slurp up the sauce...and I recommend you do...it's dang, dang, dang, dang, dang good. Amen.