Рецепт Beef & Mushroom Stroganoff

- Slice the steaks into strips and season. Then heat a thin layer of oil in a heavy-bottomed pan to smoking and quickly sear the beef all over. Remove.
- Add a little more oil to the pan, if needed, and gently sauté the garlic and onion until tender, regularly stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan as you do so.
- Then add the mushrooms and briefly cook, before stirring.
- Add the flour, mix well and briefly cook.
- Then add about ½ cup stock, the mustard, Worcestershire, parsley and seasonings. Stir well and cook until thickened, adding the remaining stock as you do so.
- Add the brandy and let it bubble for a few minutes, before adding the sour cream. Mix well and taste for seasoning. Then return the beef, turn off the heat and toss to warm through.
- At the same time, blanch the beans in a pot of lightly salted, boiling water. Drain well.
- Serve the Stroganoff with the beans alongside and mashed or boiled potatoes too, if you like.