Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Beef Lombardi".

Рецепт Beef Lombardi
by Life in the Slow Lane at Squirrel Head Manor

It's almost 1:00 in the afternoon, 61 degrees and sunny in north Florida. We have had our share of rain the last few days so I'm glad it's warmer and sunny now.

We had severe storms a few days ago an a tornado touched down at Tallahassee airport, destroying a plane. The shrill alarm on our phones scares hell out me when it goes off but I am thankful there is some sort of warning. The weather changes so rapidly here. One day I am walking with short sleeves and the next I have a coat and scarf.

The recipe for Beef Lombardi had been sitting in my folder of recipes to try for years. In an effort to go through the folder and other clutter, I pulled out a small stack of the copied recipes. Some were tossed (why did I ever think I wanted to make that) and some made to the let's-try-something-new section in the kitchen.

This is a winner.

This would be easy enough to make when we camp, adapting it using a skillet instead of baking. It makes such a great amount that it's likely I'll prepare it at home and bring leftovers to heat. The recipe can be googled and you'll get the exact same ingredients everywhere. Check it out HERE.

NOTE: the only adaption I made was to substitute the Rotel tomatoes for regular canned tomatoes, measuring out 10 ounces from the second can of tomatoes. Seems spicy chilies are not agreeing with ur stomaches these days. If you like a kick to your food, use the Rotel, but our casserole came out well using the milder tomatoes.

Sharing with Marg at The Intrepid Reader for Weekend Cooking.