Рецепт Beef, Clay Pot

- "Roast beef steamed in the clay pot is a different experience. The meat has a delightful texture you cannot find in beef cooked any other way. But one word of caution: it's going to take much less time to cook than you think.
- Rely strictly on your meat thermometer. The size of both the pot and roast will make a difference. If desired your beef rare, check the thermometer after 40 min. You can omit the vegetables if you do not want a complete dinner."
- Presoak your largest clay pot, top and bottom, in water fifteen min.
- Trim fat from beef and rub with salt and pepper. Place beef in pot and insert meat thermometer. Add in to pot all above ingredients, plus 1 tsp. salt and dash of pepper.
- Place covered pot in cool oven. Set temperature to 480 degrees. For rare beef, check meat thermometer after 40 min. For medium beef, check after 1 hour. For well-done beef-if you really want it which way-check after 90 min.
- Remove pot from oven when meat thermometer is almost up to temperature.
- (Do not wait till it's right on the nose or possibly it will be overdone.) Pour liquid into saucepan, bring to boil and thicken with about 1/2 tsp. arrowroot.