Рецепт beach babe recap & homemade face scrub
You know the animal, the lobster?
Ya, I'm that that in human form - my whole backside was burnt to a crisp during my weekend away at the beach.
I was trying to act like a big shot and tell the sun where to shine being that I've been living in NZ where the sun is extra harsh.
Apparently they have a hole in their o-zone layer.
When I first moved to NZ, I thought, "Oh I'm from California, I can handle this...psh whimps"
I learned that sun lesson the hard way - a lot like I did this past weekend in Aptos.
Moral of the story?
Apply it.
It was a fabulous weekend with my sisters, mom, and gma. It's rare for all four of us sisters to be in one state, let alone the same country so we were stoked to just hang and chat.
I uploaded a new frank friday video while I was on vacation as well - check it out below. A vacation within a vacation? Let's go with it. Be sure to check out my vacay healthy tips here too.
Other than frying, laughing, & uploading I also made a natural face scrub with some basic ingredients from my kitchen. My skin has been going mental lately with all the traveling annnd lack of water (oops) so my face was in need of some extra attention!
- 1/2 cup water
- 1- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp olive oil
I have to be honest I was a bit apprehensive to put oil on my face due to all the recent breakouts, but my face was also really dry from over-washing.
The vinegar helped with the breakouts, the sugar was a great gentle exfoliate, & the olive oil really gave my skin the moisture it was needed.
Let me know if you try it!