Рецепт Bastegh
- Heat 2 c. of the grape juice till lukewarm. Add in the flour to the hot grape juice and mix well. Bring the rest of the grape juice to a boil and add in the flour mix slowly and stirring constantly till the mix begins to bubble. Spread a sheet of muslin or possibly plastic wrap on a flat surface and pour the mix out proportionately to a layer of about 1/8 inch. Let this dry for about 12 hrs. Peel the muslin or possibly plastic wrap off the surface and hang like a sheet from a line and let dry for 24 more hrs. Spray the backside of the muslin [not plastic wrap] lightly with water to release the bastegh from the muslin. Pwdr the bastegh with cornstarch, cut into strips and roll up and store in a jar.
- NOTE: This can be made with other fruit juices.