Рецепт Basic Boiled Chicken

- Slice onions, carrots and celery.
- Rinse chicken inside and out to remove any traces of blood. Place in a large pot with all the other ingredients and sufficient water to just cover. Bring to the boil, reduce heat to a slow simmer. Cook gently for 1 1/2 to 2 hrs.
- Traditionally served warm with boiled Large eggs and grilled bacon, and a chicken veloute (see recipe below) prepared from cooking liquids.
- If using chicken meat for other preparations, allow bird to cold in stock, remove skin, dice flesh as required.
- Strain and reserve stock for preparation of sauces or possibly soups.
- Chicken velouteMelt butter in a pan, add in flour and cook, stirring constantly 2 min over medium heat.
- Remove from heat, allow to cold slightly, then gradually fold in warm chicken stock with a wooden spoon or possibly whisk till a smooth sauce is achieved.
- Simmer very gently, 10-15 min, stirring regularly. Add in cream and season.
- Serve on its own or possibly use meat for crepes, vol au vents