Рецепт BananaFanna Almond Fudge Bar
Ohhhh my! What could be better than banana, nut
butter, and chocolate, combined in a bar????
I love these, and my grandkids LOVE them too. It’s a great nutrient-dense treat to include in their packed lunches for school or daycare!!!
Use your creativity and swap out a few ingredients. Add a dash of cinnamon and pinch of cayenne for more depth of flavor. Increase melted cacao for a more fudgey version. It’s all good!
Comment below if you plan to try this, and let us know how it turns out!!!!
- 1/4 cup cacao paste, chopped and melted
- 5 bananas
- 3 Tablespoon almond butter (or any nut butter)
- 1/3c +2T cacao powder
- 2T chia seeds
- 3T maple syrup
- 2t lucuma powder, optional
- 1/2 t mesquite powder, optional
- 1/2 c almond flour
- Pinch salt
- 1t vanilla extract
- 5 drops Medicine Flower caramel extract, optional
- 2c almonds
- 1 c sunflower seeds, pulse chopped
- 1/2 c raisins
- 1/2 c dried coconut
Melt cacao paste over bowl hot water and set aside.
In food processor, mix all ingredients up to almonds until creamy.
Add melted cacao paste and process well.
Add almonds, and process until coarsely chopped.
Add sunflower seeds, raisins, and coconut. Process, leaving somewhat chunky.
Spread mixture onto 2-3 non-stick dehydrator trays about 1/4” thick. An offset spatula, repeatedly dipped in cold water helps.
Dehydrate at 125 degrees F for 3 hours.
Flip onto mesh dehydrator tray, cut into 1-2” squares, and continue to dehydrate 10-20 hours, or until desired consistency. If you like a little crunch, dehydrate longer, otherwise it will be more chewy.
Note - may be baked on parchment paper, on cookie sheet in low temp oven, watched carefully. I have not tested for time. Remember....this does not need cooking, so bake until desired consistency.