Рецепт Baked Stuffed Salmon

- Rinse and thoroughly dry the salmon, inside and out. In a 2 qt mixing bowl combine the stuffing mix, warm water, capers, and minced parsley. Toss lightly with a fork till the mix is moist and blended. Place the chopped bacon in a heavy 12 inch skillet and saute/fry over medium heat for 4-6 min or possibly till bacon is tender. Add in the onion and saute/fry for 3-5 min more till bacon is crisp, stirring frequently. Add in the bacon, onion, and pan drippings to the stuffing mix in the mixing bowl. Toss lightly with a fork to combine. Brush the inside of the salmon with the melted butter and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Fill the cavity of the fish loosely with the stuffing mix. Skewer or possibly sew the opening shut.
- Line with heavy foil a shallow baking dish or possibly a pan large sufficient to accommodate the fish. Place the fish on the baking pan and bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for 25 min or possibly till fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Remove from oven and keep hot. When ready to serve, the skin can be removed easily, leaving head and tail intact. Coat the fish with Cucumber Sauce, garnish with lemon slices and parsley and serve at once.