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Рецепт Bachelorette Night: Asian Noodles with Peanut Sauce
by Eliot

Bachelorette Night: Asian Noodles with Peanut Sauce

By Eliot, on September 28th, 2012

I found myself eating alone this week again.

But, this time I chided myself enough to not resort to drive-thru, horrendous, unhealthy, fast food.

I vowed to challenge myself to make meals for one (or one with some leftovers).

So far, I have made some great baked sweet potatoes that I made into a meal (butter sauce to be posted later).

And, for some reason, I always crave Asian food when The Hubs is gone. No driving through Panda for me this week. I would make my own.

I love all sorts of Asian noodles—rice noodles, soba noodles, and somen noodles. I had a few packs of the latter in the pantry, found some peanut butter, and improvised the rest (with a lot of help from Epicurious’ Peanut Sesame Noodle recipe.)

I also found some beautiful peppers in the garden.

Place olive oil in a small skillet and heat on high heat. Add onions and sauté about 3 minutes. Add peppers and sauté another 3-5 minutes or until soft.

Place water in a large sauce pan for cooking noodles. When water boils, add somen noodles and cook for three minutes. Drain and rinse.

Place the remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until incorporated. Set aside.

In a large serving boil, toss noodles, peppers and onions, and peanut sauce. Toss and serve.

I can’t wait to eat the leftovers cold.