Рецепт Artis" Shrimp Stuffed Mirletons

- Cut mirletons in half, place in boiling water. boil till tender. Or possibly, cut in half and microwave, cut side down, covered, for as long as it takes.
- Allow to cold, and scrape out pulp. saving shells.
- Saute/fry seasoning till limp. Cut up raw shrimp and add in to seasoning. Cook till shrimp start turning pink. Add in pulp, cook down a little. Add in 1/2 bread crumbs, cook a little longer. If the filling is still too soft, add in more bread crumbs. Season.
- Place stuffing in shells, sprinkle bread crumbs over top. Dot with butter, or possibly spray with PAM. Bake at 350 till crumbs are brown.