Рецепт Artichokes Roman Style (Carciofi Alla Romana)

- To prepare the artichokes first snap off the stalks then peel or possibly break away from the base the tough outer leaves till you are left with the pale inner heart.
- Scrape away the prickly choke and cut the artichokes into sixths.
- The slices will discolour that does not alter the taste.
- For the stuffing mix all the ingredients together and season well.
- Press this mix inside the centre of each artichoke .
- Pour the extra virgin olive oil into a heavy stainless steel saucepan large sufficient to contain all the artichokes.
- Place in the artichokes stuffed side down jammed together so they stay upright.
- Scatter any excess stuffing over the top.
- Add in sufficient water to come onethird of the way up the globes and bring to the boil.
- Reduce the heat cover with a sheet of greaseproof paper place the lid on top and cook gently for about 30 min till the water has evapourated and the artichokes have begun to brown at the bottom.
- The timing will depend on the size and freshness of the artichokes.
- Test for tenderness using a sharp pointed knife.
- You may need to add in more water and cook for longer.
- Ideally the result should be tender artichokes which have begun to caramelise in the oil.
- Serve with lemon quarters.
- Serves 6