Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Artichoke Bottom Gratin".

Рецепт Artichoke Bottom Gratin
by Katie Zeller

I went to the frozen food store again.

I don’t go there often…. The temptation is too great.

When I go to the supermarket I’m not tempted. I have my list and that is what I buy, with only a small deviation or two.

But the frozen food store is something else entirely.

The aisles are full of glorious, gourmet, goodies…..

Beef Wellington, Shrimp Newburg en Croute, Stuffed Lobster, tiny sweet and savory tarts….

Oh, there’s the usual lasagne and meat pies but it’s the fancy foods that catch my eye.

And there are lots and lots and lots of fancy foods

I try to exercise restraint and only go there when I have specific things on my weekly list that I can only get there.

Like artichoke bottoms.

(‘Fond de artichaut’ sounds so much nicer.)

Artichoke Bottom Gratin

Total time: 35 minutes



Cook frozen artichoke bottoms in boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove, drain and lay in a baking dish.

Sauté shallots and celery in olive oil until very tender and starting to brown.

Add vinegar, parsley and stir to combine

Divide shallot mixture and spoon into artichoke bottoms.

Add a tablespoon of the chicken stock to each artichoke. Pour the rest in the bottom of the dish.

Top with cheese.

Bake, 400F (200C) for 15 minutes, until cheese starts to brown.

Remove and serve..

I don’t use a lot of frozen vegetables.

We eat fresh and whatever is in season.


One has to have some things on hand in the freezer.

So I might as well buy vegetables that I can’t get fresh – like sweet corn (unless I grow my own), peas (ditto) or are a lot of work and only available for a short time – like artichoke bottoms.

I also always have a bag of frozen spinach on hand. I make a lot of quick, spinach gratins in winter.

No update this week. I’d like to say that mon mari is working very hard on things that are just not easy to photo….

I’d like to say that…..

Apparently I need to find my whip.

Last Updated on February 10, 2014