Рецепт Amish Corn Fritters
- Cut the kernels from two ears by standing each ear upright on a plate, carefully slice beneath the rows in a steady downward motion. With the back of the knife, scrape the cobs to extract the juice. Grate the kernels from the remaining 2 ears, cutting off the kernels at just half their depth and scraping off pulp on the cob.Put all the corn kernels, pulp and juice into a bowl. The mix will resemble scrambled large eggs. Beat the egg yolks in a large bowl till light. Beat in the flour, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Stir in the corn.
- Beat the egg whites in a large bowl till stiff. Fold them into the corn mix. Heat a heavy frying pan or possibly griddle over medium heat and grease it lightly with butter. Drop the batter by small spoonfuls onto the frying pan and cook till golden brown.
- About 30 seconds each side. Transfer the cooked fritters to a lightly buttered serving platter and keep them warm in a low oven while cooking the remaining fritters.