Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Aloo Bonda".

Рецепт Aloo Bonda
by Radhika

We had loads of fun during our recent visit to my Hubby’s home town. All of us were gathered in the place which was quite rare. During the evening when hunger pangs took over many ideas cropped up for ready to eat snacks.

But in time the ladies interfered and we all decided to make Aloo bonda. What seemed as a daunting task of preparing snacks for 30 people went very smoothly. It was great fun as all the ladies gathered in the kitchen and each of us doing one work. The kids playing hide and seek and entering the kitchen to hide among us and secretly sneaking out the bondas without our knowledge thinking that we were not watching while we all quite knew what was happening.

It made me quite nostalgic about my childhood days while we were all kids and gathered at my grandma’s home for school holidays. Arun managed to click a few pictures before it too vanished but he couldn’t find the chutney bowl. So here are gorgeous looking bondas for you.

Aloo Bonda

You’ll Need:

Oil – for Deep frying.


For the stuffing:

Pressure cook the potatoes. Peel them and mash well. Chop onions, ginger, garlic, coriander leaves, mint leaves and green chillies finely.

Heat oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds, once they splutter add the cumin seeds. Add chopped ginger and garlic and sauté for a minute. Now add the onions and green chilly and sauté till the onions become soft and translucent.

Add the turmeric powder, mashed potatoes, coriander, mint leaves and salt and mix together. Cook for 3-4 minutes till the raw flavor disappears. Take off the stove, add lemon juice and mix well. Let it cool down. Make them into small balls.

For the Batter:

In a bowl mix besan, rice flour, asafetida, red chilli powder, baking soda, salt. Add water little by little and mix it to a thick consistency. The batter should not be drippy.

Heat oil in a kadai. Dip the potato balls into the batter, coat it well and drop them in the hot oil. Once it gets cooked well and turns golden brown drain them on an absorbent sheet.

These are for my event Deep Fried Snacks. Keep sending in your entries as only a fortnight is left.