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Рецепт Almond Milk Heaven
by Rawfully Tempting

I have published How to Make Almond Milk before, but this morning, I was reminded of it's stunning simplicity. For those of you who have never tried it, I URGE you to give it a shot! I'm in Heaven as I sit here sipping one of my all time favorite beverages. All you need is a blender and either a nut milk bag, paint bag(you can get a Lowe's), or a piece of cheese cloth, doubled.

Almond Milk Heaven


Soak almonds in water, 8-12 hours, or overnight and rinse well. (DO NO SKIP SOAKING).

Blend water and nuts until creamy. (Add vanilla and dates (optional))

Place a nut milk bag or cheese cloth inside a bowl or pitcher. Pour milk into the bag, and gently squeeze, slowly milking the bag, holding top closed. Be patient and think about the LOVE you want to put into this gorgeous milk. Squeeze gently, and as you get closer to the pulp, firmly squeeze out any excess liquid.

Leftover nut pulp can be frozen as is, or spread on a sheet and dehydrated. Run dried pulp through blender or food processor, and use in recipes where almond flour or pulp is called for. Store in refrigerator up to 3 days or freeze for extended shelf life.

Adding different flavor extracts and/or cacao powder gives you an amazing palette of flavors and textures to work with. Consider adding frozen fruit, hemp seed, chia seed, and greens to create fabulous smoothies!

Go HERE for truly unpasteurized almonds.

*Add "Rawfully Tempting" to Shipping Comments and Medicine Flower will send a Special Bonus Sample with any purchase.