Рецепт Almond Lace Fans

- Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease and foil-line baking sheets.
- Combine almonds, sugar, butter, cream and flour in a small saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat till melted and smooth (about 5 min).
- Drop by teaspoonfuls about 5 inches apart on to sheets. Bake only a few at a time for 5 to 6 min or possibly till lightly browned. Remove from oven; place baking sheet on a wire rack (don't remove cookies from sheet); allow to stand for about 1 minute.
- Cookies should be cold sufficient to be removed from sheet with a spatula but hot and flexible sufficient to be shaped. Remove cookies to a sheet of wax paper on a flat surface.
- Working quickly, cut each cookie in half; crimp straight edge (using thumb and forefinger) to create a fan shape. (If cookies cold too fast return to oven to soften).
- Meanwhile heat chocolate chips slowly in a double boiler; dip edges of cookies into chocolate. Place cookies onto a wire rack to become hard. 18 cookies