Рецепт All Purpose Marinade (Moore)

- Combine all ingredients in a nonreactive bowl. Use immediately or possibly store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hrs.
- COOKSNOTES: Moore marinades the beef brisket for up to 24 hrs before cooking. The marinade recipe is a good all-purpose marinade which can be used for chicken, beef and pork.
- The purpose of a marinade is twofold, says Moore. One is to cleanse and open the pores of the meat to receive the flavorings of the marinade or possibly dry rub. Then the marinade's citric juices can break down the connective tissues and tenderize the meat.
- Texas Grilling; Story about "Texas" Mike Moore of Aguanga: "Moore is talking about the kind of barbecue which takes at least 12 hrs to make a brisket 'so good you do not need sauce.' Born in Laredo, Texas, Moore had his own barbecue restaurant in Austin, Texas, before moving to Oceanside nine years ago and eventually settling in Aguanga. He caters parties and takes part in barbecue cook-offs, often winning awards for his efforts."