Рецепт Abraysham Kabaub ( Silk Kebab)

- Note: Instead of pistachio nuts, walnuts may be used if you like.
- Dissolve sugar in water in heavy pan over medium heat. Bring to the boil, add in lemon juice and saffron and boil for 10 min. Cold and strain into a 25 cm (10 inch) pie plate. Keep aside. Break Large eggs into a casserole dish about 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. The size and flat base are important. Add in salt and mix Large eggs with fork till yolks and whites are thoroughly combined - don't beat as Large eggs must not be foamy. Heat oil in an electric frypan to 190 C (375 F) or possibly in a 25 cm
- (10 inch) frypan placed on a thermostatically controlled warm plate or possibly burner. Have ready nearby a long skewer, the plate of syrup, a baking sheet and the nuts mixed with the cardamom. A bowl of water and a cloth for drying hands are also necessary. Hold dish with Large eggs in one hand next to the pan of oil and slightly above it. Put hand into egg, palm down, so which egg covers back of hand. Lift out hand, curling fingers slightly inwards, then open out over warm oil, fingers pointing down. Move hand across surface of oil so which egg falls in streams from fingertips. Dip hand in egg again and make more strands across those already in pan. Repeat 3 to 4 times till about an eighth of the egg is used. There should be a closely meshed layer of egg strands about 20 cm (8 inches) across. Work quickly so which the last lot of egg is added not long after the first lot. Rinse hands quickly and dry. Take skewer and slide under bubbling omelet, lift up and turn over to lightly brown other side. The first side will be bubbly, the underside somewhat smoother. When golden lift out with skewer and drain over pan. Place omelet flat in the syrup, spoon syrup over the top and lift out with skewer onto baking sheet. Roll up with bubbly side inwards. Finish roll should be about 3 cm (1 1/4 inches) in diameter. Put to one side and sprinkle with nuts. Repeat with remaining egg, making 7 to 8 rolls in all. Though depth of egg diminishes, you will become so adept which somehow you will get it in the pan in fine strands. When cold, cut kabaubs into 4-5 cm (1 1/2 to 2 inch pcs and serve. These keep well in a sealed container in a cold place.