Рецепт A Transition for Gluten Hates Me
Becoming a parent has taught me a lot. I'm definitely always learning, but there is one lesson that continues to hit me like a ton of bricks, which is the simple fact that time moves too quickly.
2016 has been a year of change - good change - but still, the Ravelli family has had quite a bit of transition. The biggest of which was a job change for me. After 8 years with One World Market, 4 of which were directing the organization, I left my position on April 1st. There were a lot of motivations for leaving, some of which still feel raw. It's tough to admit when you're failing, and for me, it had started to feel like I was falling short at work and at home.
Managing a non-profit and being a Mom to Mason (and a wife to Parrish....and a daughter and a sister and a good friend) just didn't work out for me. I ended each day feeling unbelievably pulled in a million directions, which is a part of why this space here - my blog - was left to sit. Everything in my life had a priority level, and it became all too easy to put myself last.
So I gave ample notice to my job and started to journey down a new path that I knew would give me less responsibility at work and more flexibility in my schedule, two things that I desperately wanted.
Then life hit fast forward. Everything started to fall in to place, and I found new rhythms and patterns and schedules (three things that help me thrive) but I still struggled to make it back here. I thought about posting a goodbye and ending the blog completely - I mean my last post was in February!! But each time I started writing an exit, it didn't feel right, because the truth is - I write blog posts to you guys everyday in my head. I reflect on my day and think about funny things. I continue to take pictures of my food. I don't write a lot of recipes anymore, but I hope I find that inspiration again soon.
I just don't feel finished having this outlet for reflection. I'm not ready to close this book, but I do think we should start a new chapter.
For a seriously candid view of my day: Snapchat - @glutenhatesme
And when I have the time, I'll continue to post here. Be sure to leave me your handles here in the comments; I would love to follow you back!
Post-run Meal at the new Happy + Hale on 9th Street in Durham. So yummy