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Рецепт A Non-rant and a Recipe
by Dennis Kraus

A Non-rant and a Recipe

October 19, 2015 at 2:17 pm

Wall-mounted recipe tablet

Being it is the 60th anniversary of Dick Tracy’s wrist radio; it got me thinking about the technological innovations that make our lives so much easier. As I operate a website ( emealsforyou.com ) that provides online meal plans and recipes I wanted to take a look at the strides that directly effect what I do.

Our mothers had their worn copies of the Betty Crocker cookbook, with many of the pages hanging out and lots of scrap papers tucked in containing recipes they gathered over the years. Next came a more organized method, the index card and index card box. Storing our most valued recipes next on our desktop computers, then on our laptops. The problem with this is that it allowed us to drag the laptops into our kitchens and place them on the countertop. Fine as long as you were careful not to dust them with flour or as I did, drop a pot of water next to them; causing them to instantly “fry” the motherboard.

The final, as of now, innovation is to hang a tablet on the wall. This allows instant access, recipes at our fingertips and the ability to resource new recipes via the internet without the fear of flour dusting or water baths.

P.S. I am still waiting for my George Jetson flying car.

Now here is the recipe I promised from the Dessert Collection at emealsforyou.com:

Hot Fudge Sauce

Recipe Summary












butter, unsalted



cream, heavy




Heat sugar, syrup, vanilla, cream and butter in a heavy sauce pan until blended. Mix in cocoa and stir.

Hint: may be kept in the refrigerator for weeks. Re-heat in microwave.

Hang your tablet on the wall then come join us at emealsforyou.com and get all those recipes and meal plans at your fingertips.

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Entry filed under: Dessert, Rants, Semi-Rants and Non-Rants. Tags: cookbooks, hot fudge, hot fudge sauce, meal plans, online meal planning, online recipes, recip boxes, recipe.