Nutritional information for the following ingredients is not included. Normally this is because the ingredient is unknown, the measurement is imprecise e.g. “to taste”, or the ingredient is optional).
5) Build marketing strategies & pre-launch buzz
Marketing strategies would completely depend on the budget and the app segment that you’re into. If you have a good budget you might want to go out for both Digital Marketing & Offline marketing mediums. However, if you want to stick with Digital Marketing, I would recommend going with ROI (Return On Investment) based model than going with Branding model. Initially, you would want to see the returns on the money you are spending than just to go fro branding of the app.
Pre-Launch Buzz is very popular these days, you could create a series of questions and then reveal your app as an answer to those questions, but believe me, that kind of marketing requires greater complex planning & execution skills with handsome budgets.
6) Analyse & plan your dependencies
So once you have your app ready than you might want to see your dependencies and the persons/platforms on which you rely to get help for any of the crisis.
It’s better to discover them at this early staged and it’s time to crack some good deals with them, mostly you would rely on the Development Team, Server Management Team and Marketing teams. But development team would be the most important team you would be relying on and you might want to have the quick responsive & flexible team to support you during your launch & after launch requirements to work on those play store feedbacks & comments.
7) Start working on Phase 2 feature list & Phase 2 planning.
If you have just launched your app Its probably the time you don’t want to look at the phase 2 document in back of your mind but this is the time where you would be getting new competitors there would be people planning to replicate your app with more innovative features. Let’s recall the race between Orkut & Facebook. The company which keeps up the pace & plans ahead of time wins always.
and always consult a registered dietician or your physician before embarking on any diet plan which relies on these numbers, and for any other questions.