Рецепт 5 Things To LOVE About Being Pregnant
by Guest • May 2, 2014 Our posts feature partner companies.
5 Things To LOVE About Being Pregnant
Credit: Frank de Kleine on Flickr This post is titled “5 Things To LOVE About Being Pregnant” however, an alternative title would be “5 Things I’ll Miss About Being Pregnant” too. You see, I just recently had my very last baby and although the postpartum hormones are raging (like an inferno) with everyday feelings of mourning like “aww this is the last time I’ll have a baby in newborn diapers” and “ooohhh this is the last time I’ll have a first baby bath” and so on and so on and so on (you get the idea) I wanted to take a moment and mourn being pregnant instead. Because let’s be honest besides the morning sickness, heart burn…