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Рецепт 100% Low-Fat Walnut & Oatmeal Brownie's..;)
by shruthisingh4

100% Low-Fat Walnut & Oatmeal Brownie's..;)

Walnut Brownies have been my "Fav" since College...we'd get real yummy walnut brownies, and i'd load myself with them every time i'd go there...!! That's where my first love for brownies began....& the bhaiya there would even tempt me by asking shall i pour some hot chocolate sauce on this and i would never say no...!!
"AJ" (Ajish my hubby) who has always been health conscious...would always say I've put on weight every single time he visited me from Dubai....& I'd say" Bhai Khate-peete ghar se hoon" so.. thoda tagdi tho lagoongi naah!!(for those who didn't follow that..in hindi means: well i belong to a well to do family who eats rich food and that's what is showing on me...!!(A rather lame or common excuse from those who are lazy enough not to exercise even for 15mins a day).
Well all the laziness vanished out of me after my daughter was born...she is a complete disciplinarian to me every thing need to happen on time, all things must go back to their assigned place...or else she would go on a rampage where a little laziness would cost me double trouble...!!
Hmmmnnn...coming back to walnuts...they are considered the most healthiest of all the dry fruits/nuts category...and is also vouched on for helping several cholesterol, diabetes & heart issues. Having my bundle of joy around..."BOY-O-BOY" it certainly get's tough to work at home...but keeping in mind my hubby's love for Brownies/cookies etc and his concern over diabetes..which has a very strong presence in his family..i felt i must find some way out where he can enjoy all sorts of food yet stay healthy that's how i began reading more about food...their health benefits etc....and of course my blogger friends who come up with great ideas, also inspired me to blog and also cook up newer versions of a lot of foods which can be safely consumed and enjoyed by several people who had to give up a lot of delicious desserts.
In fact just the other day when me & hubby stopped at a local supermarket to pick up grocery i watched as my hubby was scrutinizing through the Diabetic/diet foods section and picked up a box of ready to make chocolate brownies pack,i did bake them for him but believe me they were soooo...sweet...God bless people who eat that..!!
That's how Walnut & Oatmeal Brownies happened to me...;)
Another specialty about my version is that there is absolutely no" maida" or "all purpose flour" or "even egg" for that matter "AT ALL"...!! It's Completely "100% Healthy & seriously low-fat...!!".

What are we waiting for...let's get on with the recipe:

Рейтинг: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 1 голос
Подготовка: English
Приготовление: Порций: 16 Pieces

Хорошо сочетается: chocolate sauce, icecream


  • 3 tablespoons Cocoa powder.
  • 1/2 cup Wholewheat flour.
  • 1/2 cup Quick cooking Oats.
  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking powder.
  • 1/2 teaspoon Bicarbonate Of Soda.
  • 1 cup Sugar( I used powdered sugar/you could use sugar of your choice/white/brown/sugar-free).
  • 1/2 cup Milk(fresh).
  • 1 cup yogurt for the Vegan Version(if not you could use 2 egg whites, beaten).
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons oil(I used Olive Oil).


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease & flour an 8" square cake tin / any 6" rectangle glass dish which can be safely used in the oven.
  2. Take the cocoa powder, wholewheat flour, Oats, baking powder & Bi carbonate of Soda into a bowl.
  3. Stir in the sugar, then beat in the milk, yogurt, vanilla essence and Olive oil until thoroughly combined.
  4. Pour in to the prepared dish/tin.
  5. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until it's firm to touch. Leave in the dish/tin until completely cooled.
  6. Cut into squares, remove from the dish/tin.
  7. Serve with Hot Chocolate Sauce & Low-fat Vanilla Ice-cream or just any one of them.
  8. This is the first time i'm using Wholewheat flour & Oats in a cake & believe me I was so glad there was no perceptible difference in the taste due to it, in fact the Oats gave the brownies a more textured taste. This will make a great,yummy & healthy snack treat for Children & Adults alike.